Historical International Women’s Day

On September 7, 1968, the media had to turn its attention to Atlantic City, New Jersey’s boardwalk outside the Miss America beauty pageant, to cover Miss America protest, and that was just the start for those fighting for women’s liberation.


Wikipedia – Miss America Protest

Demonstrators threw their their “toss symbols of sexism” — high-heeled shoes, curlers, typing books, girdles, bras, false eyelashes and copies of women’s magazines, like “Ladies Home Journal” and “Cosmopolitan” into a garbage drum labeled “Freedom Trash Can”,
when Miss America was dubbed a “death mascot” because one of the jobs of the winner was to entertain U.S. troops, who were then fighting the Vietnam War.


Protest in Front of the White House – The National Organization of Women, 1966.

Clarenbach and Friedan

In 1968, Sparta native Kathryn Clarenbach (far left) and Betty Friedan announced the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) and had adopted a ‘Bill of Rights for Women’ to present to political parties and candidates.

Although the United Nations officially recognized International Women’s Day in 1975,  N.O.W – the National Organization of Women established in 1966 – began to adopt an annual theme for every year. The first theme was “Celebrating the past, Planning for the Future. This year’s theme #EachforEqual is meant to be a shared goal throughout 2020.

Many other initiatives took its place on the historical moments of the actual International Women’s Day.  For instance, “A Room of One’s Own”, by Virginia Woolf, was an extended essay first published in September 1929, and “Phenomenal Woman” was published in 1978, first in Cosmopolitan and later that year in the collection “And Still I Rise” – A Book of Poems, by Maya Angelou.

Embrace Your Womanliness!

Happy Women’s Day!


Embora o Dia Internacional da Mulher tenha sido oficialmente reconhecido pela ONU em 1975, no dia 7 de setembro de 1968, os mass media voltaram toda a sua atenção para os eventos que decorriam numa calçada de Nova Jersey, Atlantic City, em frente ao edifício onde estava a decorrrer o concurso de beleza Miss America. Esse protesto, igualmente descrito na Wikipedia (Link para Miss America Protest acima), ditou um episódio marcante na luta pela ‘libertação’ das mulheres e foi apenas o início de um capítulo muito maior na história do atual Dia Internacional da Mulher.

Comemore este dia começando pelos temas inicialmente adotados pela N.O.W, em 1996, sem esquecer nenhuma temática relembrada até então.

O primeiro tema escolhido foi “Celebrar o Passado, Planear o Futuro” e o deste ano é #EachforEqual, o qual deveria ser uma meta compartilhada ao longo deste ano de 2020.

Ofereça um sorriso, um carinho, um gesto, um olhar… Partilhe momentos de ternura e felicidade.

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Abrace a sua feminilidade!

Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher!

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